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how would i change a few of the dimensions of a .DWG site plan

jax_fordjax_ford Member Posts: 2
i can move the lines around and change the values of the dimensions already listed but i cant get that to actually effect the length of the lines. need to shorten the width of 6 town home units by 2 feet each while maintaining all other dimensions 


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    john_mcclaryjohn_mcclary Member, Developers Posts: 3,923 PRO
    Can we get a screen shot? or a link?

    I this all just a 2D sketch your modifying?

    if so, then you will need to edit the sketch and add dimensions to whatever you are trying to resize.

    You will need to be strategic with your sketch relations to keep everything kosher while modifying dimensions. (try to define as much as possible, until all the sketch lines change from blue to black) 
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