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A wider onshape for BIM

baumarbaumar OS Professional Posts: 77 PRO

I am designing a modular house and would like to max out onshape's functionality for Building Information Modeling. 

I saw a few entries in the forum mentioning the theme, but the discussion was not yet very substantial. 

Of course this is a futuristic vision, but since the future starts now, I would like to give it a try. 
The final idea of BIM is to combine all building information in a database and this is probably far beyond the current road map of onshape. But I think there might be already some potential function in place or in the pipeline, so I would like to ask.
Very interesting would be information about (planned) interfaces to existing BIM solutions, as the physical model is the corner stone of a BIM. 
In the near term I would like to check out if I could use the assemblies to show how the parts will be joined from ground up for demonstration purpose and as an installation instruction. I didn't see yet animation features apart from  showing the possible movements based on some restriction defined by joins. (the problem is that once you defined the mate the parts get connected so fast that you don't see the movement any more...)

Does anybody has tips and tricks how to visualize the joining of parts before you add the mates. Of course I could start a movie with snagit and do everything by hand, but maybe there are some better ways or functionality I ignore yet. 

Another interesting function would be to integrate the model in a tool like google earth, as a whole and even more interesting in parts to visualize the building process and progress. I would be curious to find out about possibilities and experiences for this. 


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    famadorianfamadorian Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
    It's sad that they won't even comment on it. BIM is such an integral part of the future and they seem to have no clue. 
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    3dcad3dcad Member, OS Professional, Mentor Posts: 2,470 PRO
    edited November 2018
    I agree this would be great, but as you mentioned it might be a bit too soon for Onshape since they need to push out few things to first reach mcad standards in features. But Onshape platform would be just perfect for BIM models, imagine building stuff directly in website and getting instant quotes from suppliers. And using tablet with turnable 3D assembly / explode animations instead of outdated pdfs / paper with b&w drawings / images.

    I mean checkout Lego instructions that they made as ipad apps, that's the stuff I wan't to provide to our customers to assemble a furniture. And that's what I wan't to see when I get 'drawings' for our next factory expansion.

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    baumarbaumar OS Professional Posts: 77 PRO
    Thanks for the little support. I'm also suprised such an advanced service like Onshape is missing a major movement in civil engineering it could so well support. I guess I just make an improvement suggest
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