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Sketch Wrap (not projecting) with preserving length on to a non flat/curved surface

gatze_lgatze_l Member Posts: 4
I hope I'm in the right category.

This is what I want (side view):

Top view:

I want a wrap on to a spherical kind of shape where the length of the sketch lines are preserverd is this possible with oneshape ? (I have searched on the internet/forum, but could not find directly a solution)


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    gatze_lgatze_l Member Posts: 4
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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,478 PRO
    There's nothing built in to do this exactly. In this particular case, which dimension(s) are most important to control when the shape wraps? There may be some good work arounds.
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    Evan_ReeseEvan_Reese Member Posts: 2,070 PRO
    It looks like you're making a steel tongue drum from a propane tank (I've wanted to try that sometime). For this an other musical applications, I've been curious whether Onshape's new Modal Analysis could help dial in the pitch. That's only for Pro users though. Not sure if that's you or not. Otherwise, I am with Simon. There's no direct way to do it, but there are some ways to get there that aren't too bad.
    Evan Reese / Principal and Industrial Designer with Ovyl
    Website: ovyl.io
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    _anton_anton Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 319
    A hacky approach: you could make a sketch that creates a tongue of the right shape when projected straight down, then make variables that measure important lengths on the projection, go back to the sketch, turn on final mode, and twiddle the sketch to dial in the correct lengths.

    It's not awesome, but there's no way (yet) to flatten a non-developable surface.
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