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Assembly Extrude Cut

alex_marks488alex_marks488 Member Posts: 2
The fact that this feature is missing is a huge disappointment. Up until now, I've loved everything about onshape. I could handle it, if we were able to create "assemblies" within part studio by importing parts from other part studios, but we can't do that either.

My assemblies are made up up multiple, duplicate parts in different positions and orientations. Ideally, I need to be able to define one of these "base" parts in one part studio and then add a bunch of them to an assembly (whether that be an assembly or part studio), AND THEN cut through the entire assembly.

Right now, there's no real way to do this.


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Right now, there's no real way to do this.
    Are you sure about that?
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    adrian_vlzkzadrian_vlzkz Member Posts: 260 PRO
    NeilCooke said:
    Right now, there's no real way to do this.
    Are you sure about that?
    Can you please provide a sample workflow for this?
    Adrian V. | Onshape Ambassador
    CAD Engineering Manager
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    GWS50GWS50 Member Posts: 386 PRO
    In-Context editing will do this.
    Take a look the learning center help 

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    adrian_vlzkzadrian_vlzkz Member Posts: 260 PRO
    edited March 13
    GWS50 said:
    In-Context editing will do this.
    Take a look the learning center help 

    This is not true.  If I have two instances of the same part in an assembly, referencing a locked version.

    How do I create a cut thru those two instances (non-symmetrical), where I do not wish to add features to the reference part?

    This a very common use case for modular/custom engineering to order products, where mods are required post-assembly or at jobsite/installation.

    Think of standard bracket, rail or mount used across a modular system. The whole point of Assembly cuts, is that you don't want them reflected in your parts/subassemblies.
    Adrian V. | Onshape Ambassador
    CAD Engineering Manager
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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 701 PRO
    edited March 13
    I "think" to do what you want, you'd make a new part studio in-context of the asm, and transform copy all the parts you want into that part studio. Then you can cut through all the parts with one feature. You could then keep those parts separate, or combine them all into a composite part, up to you. In either case, they/it would be unique to the original parts. The original would not have the cut/s, the new ones/composite would.

    Someone else may have another way.
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    dirk_van_der_vaartdirk_van_der_vaart Member Posts: 545 ✭✭✭
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