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I'm stumped again! Need to model these rivets around a non-planer face/surface.

john_lopez363john_lopez363 Member Posts: 94 ✭✭
Link to document: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/f21d1c5acd619a2fb3b6be5d/w/88b716d0ec96331e053e84f3/e/ae185aec3723053f17dff03d

I have this flange that has a curved piece that is intended to be riveted to its mating piece.  The curved portion is created by a Wrap Feature from the profile sketch.

I cannot seem to figure out how to model ALL of the rivets (without having to model each one them individually)

Thought I'd try the Circular Pattern feature in the Parts Studio... and while I can get the part to pattern around the flange they do not stay aligned with each hole correctly (see right side of first pic).  I even tried the Attractor Pattern Feature Script by @Evan_Reese... to no avail as well.

I though I would try in the Assembly...but that does not produce the result I need either. I cannot the second mate to be centrally aligned to each hole.  I assume that is because of the curved faced and the holes being "projected" with the Wrap feature.

Any thoughts on how to solve this is greatly appreciated.


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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 701 PRO
    edited March 13
    The holes are not round, that's why you can't mate to them in the asm. I extruded a few of them straight up from the sketch, instead of the wrap feature. That made them round and allowed mating in the asm. It's probably not the way you were intending the rivet to be, however.

    I'm not sure how to get the effect you are after. You'll probably need to figure out a way to get a point or a mate connector at each hole location in the part studio, that you can then mate to in the asm.

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    jnewth_onshapejnewth_onshape Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 67
    I tried using a curve pattern. It *almost* worked but not quite.

    I then went full ham on it. I create a projected curve on to that surface. I create radial lines that are trimmed to that curve. This creates points along the curve. I then wrote a custom featurescript that creates a mate connector on the curve at the correct orientation at the point. I then transform the rivet to that mate connector. Yikes! 

    You should be able to follow along with what I did and complete the rest. Hope it helps!

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    jnewth_onshapejnewth_onshape Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 67
    Please tell me this is a giant steel riveted top hat.
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    john_lopez363john_lopez363 Member Posts: 94 ✭✭
    Please tell me this is a giant steel riveted top hat.
    Thanks for Feature Script..it is appreciated.  Will be as good, probably better, than my other options.  I said "Circular Pattern" in the original post, but I meant to say Curve Pattern (screen shot shows that...).  As you've stated it's not quite right.  Maybe an enhancement request needs to be submitted?

    The model does lend itself well to a SteamPunk Top Hat....but alas it is actually part of a 19th century steam boiler model.  Something like this.
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    jnewth_onshapejnewth_onshape Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 67
    Oh! That's really neat. Thanks for the photos. Would love to see the final product!
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