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qAdjacent for finding the face a vertex touches?

Andre_ComellaAndre_Comella Member Posts: 48 PRO
Hi all,

I'm wondering if I'm missing something here. I'm working on a FeatureScript, where not for the first time, I want to get a query of the face of a body that is touching a given vertex. In this particular instance, I can't use evOwnerSketchPlane or the like, because I can't guarantee the vertex is actually from a sketch. It seems to me that qAdjacent should work, with the query for the vertex as the seed, but the query always returns nothing. 

I'm open to other suggestions as well. Right now I'm struggling through filtering out all the things I don't want from qClosestTo.

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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Answer ✓
    For qAdjacent to work, the vertex must belong to the face you are looking for. I always use qWithinRadius(entities, point, TOLERANCE.booleanDefaultTolerance * meter) which will find everything that "touches" the vertex within a tiny sphere.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Answer ✓
    For qAdjacent to work, the vertex must belong to the face you are looking for. I always use qWithinRadius(entities, point, TOLERANCE.booleanDefaultTolerance * meter) which will find everything that "touches" the vertex within a tiny sphere.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    Andre_ComellaAndre_Comella Member Posts: 48 PRO
    NeilCooke said:
    For qAdjacent to work, the vertex must belong to the face you are looking for. I always use qWithinRadius(entities, point, TOLERANCE.booleanDefaultTolerance * meter) which will find everything that "touches" the vertex within a tiny sphere.
    Thank you! Honestly I think this comment should be part of the documentation for qAdjacent as it exactly explains the limitations and alternatives
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