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Extrude Up To Face

price_cobbprice_cobb Member Posts: 34
Folks, I've recently drawn up a part that needs to be flipped on a bench once made (FDM printed in this case) and held relatively securely so why not make a perfect part for this to rest in from the drawing itself?
Having used Extrude To Face with success before, and ironically even this part has this done underneath, I'm a bit lost as to why OnShape won't do this now.  

Red box is simple a rectangle drawn on a plane. Something made and extruded often.  The UpToFace is the Face Of Thicken 2 which is the area being touched by the arrow. 
Happy to share the file. Otherwise, any ideas are very appreciated. 


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,475
    Try Up to part instead - Up to face can be picky especially if the extrude extends past the face.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    price_cobbprice_cobb Member Posts: 34
    OK Neil, I'll give it a shot and will let you know shortly. 
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    price_cobbprice_cobb Member Posts: 34
    No luck no matter what I've tried. Any more thoughts are appreciated.
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,475
    Extrude blind (past where you want it to go), Boolean subtract one from the other, clean up the mess. Share the doc URL and somebody will fix it for you.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    price_cobbprice_cobb Member Posts: 34
    Neil, OK TY, I'll share.  Someone will be laughing as I've tried so many things to make this happen there will be some "why'd ya do that" but don't care. I'm that silly new to CAD person who hasn't a clue but willing to try anything. As I learn, the irony lies in the fact that so many of my choices are because of my limited knowledge of all the tools available and even of what OnShape can actually do.  All the best! 
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    price_cobbprice_cobb Member Posts: 34
    OK all, I've shared the document here. 


    As a reminder I'm wanting to "loft" the orange bar up to the multi curved surface of the blue part just beneath it.  This will be it's own part as it is my intent is to create a tool, or support if you will, to lay the printed blue part into on my bench to then work on the blue part's underside which is the side that has all the stuff going on. Hope that makes sense?  

    The thick irony, to me anyway, is that if you flip the blue part over, you can see that I lofted the lugs (where each of the four holes reside) to the inside of the very same surface I want to loft the orange bar to!   I've no doubt that all my goofy geometry (the way I created the part in the first place) has something to do with why OnShape isn't interested.

    Feel free (of course) to either make the changes to this here OR, to make a duplicate and work from there. Both work for me so no worries.

    Any help at all and I'm indebted. 

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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,475
    In this case, Replace face is best, I think

    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    price_cobbprice_cobb Member Posts: 34
    Neil, do you always have the answers? :-)    OK, How in the heck did I not get there?   HUGE thanks. 
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