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how to extrude at an angle but only on 2 sides.

brayan_morales855brayan_morales855 Member Posts: 4
Beginner here. I made an extrusion off a rectangle. I want to get the extrusion to slant to the right/east at 10 degrees. I found the draft option and set the angle to 10 degrees but that makes all sides to extrude inward or outward by 10 degrees. What is the option/steps that would help me get the result I am looking for? 


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Create a straight-sided extrude, then create a separate Draft feature.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    brayan_morales855brayan_morales855 Member Posts: 4
    NeilCooke said:
    Create a straight-sided extrude, then create a separate Draft feature.
    Thanks for your answer. I cannot get it to work properly. I think it's because the extrusion I'm working with is a cut out.

    Basically, I am just trying my hand at designing a basic card holder. I have the solid sketch how I want it. I extruded it from there to be about the width a bit larger than a standard business card. Now I want to extrude/cut out the part where the cards go into. When I extrude it goes straight down/south into the card holder. I would like it to extrude at a slant of 10 degrees to the right. I hope this picture helps explain what the situation is better than my words.
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