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Copy assembly

icatoiu_danielicatoiu_daniel OS Professional Posts: 4
Hi all,

Do you know if is possibile to copy an assembly to onother document.


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    Mitch_PricerMitch_Pricer OS Professional, Developers Posts: 27 PRO
    edited December 2015
    As @viru commented, while this is technically not possible at the moment, there is a usable work-around. Right click on the assembly's tab, choose export; export it as a step or parasolid file type, and in the options area select "store file in new tab." You can then copy and past this tab into other documents and transform it.
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    _Ðave__Ðave_ Member, Developers Posts: 712 ✭✭✭✭
    @Mitch_Pricer_Designs_LLC when I attempt this I get the following error.

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    3dcad3dcad Member, OS Professional, Mentor Posts: 2,470 PRO
    @_Dave_  Could it be the limits of Free plan?

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    _Ðave__Ðave_ Member, Developers Posts: 712 ✭✭✭✭
    This is a public document. I can export/download but not export/save to a new tab.
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    michael3424michael3424 Member Posts: 683 ✭✭✭✭
    +1 for needing a way to copy an assembly from one document to another.  
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    Tony_C_Tony_C_ Member Posts: 273 PRO
    As @viru commented, while this is technically not possible at the moment, there is a usable work-around. Right click on the assembly's tab, choose export; export it as a step or parasolid file type, and in the options area select "store file in new tab." You can then copy and past this tab into other documents and transform it.
    But wouldn't you lose any links the parent assembly has?

    I'd like to be able to at least be able to copy an assembly comprised of inserted parts from other documents.

    Having a document housing a parts library doesn't work very well if you can't link to the parts contained within the library. Having to redraw similar assemblies in other documents because you're unable to copy an assembly over isn't fun either. 
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    Tony_C_Tony_C_ Member Posts: 273 PRO
    I think I've found a work around, and it's pretty simple.

    You just copy the work space (three line button, top left corner) that has the assembly you want to move, then either move that assembly to your new document or move it into a new document of its own. It's not most streamlined way to do it....but it works.
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    viruviru Member, Developers Posts: 619 ✭✭✭✭
    @tony_castongia , Nice workaround
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    owen_sparksowen_sparks Member, Developers Posts: 2,660 PRO
    Yup, I'd move the assy to a new doc, and then derive it into other docs as required.  That way you get all the benefits of which revisions to use and the ability to cascade updates to whichever new assys need them.

    Owen S.
    Business Systems and Configuration Controller
    HWM-Water Ltd
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    Tony_C_Tony_C_ Member Posts: 273 PRO
    The important thing for me is preserving the links. My assemblies are made up of almost exclusively linked parts so keeping those links intact is crucial. 
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    3dcad3dcad Member, OS Professional, Mentor Posts: 2,470 PRO
    It is also possible to copy assembly feature tree to another (empty assembly) tab then move that tab to another doc.
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