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Removing model lines from a part?

ross_lloydross_lloyd Member Posts: 5
Is there any way to remove these lines from my part? Its the product of two swept areas and an extrude between. Loft did not seem to want to work! Is there a way I can just clean up the appearance of the part so the stretched 'H' in the middle of the button is gone?


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    robert_morrisrobert_morris OS Professional, Developers Posts: 167 PRO
    Answer ✓
    Is there a reason that you need the lines removed?

    I am asking because the lines don't really affect the geometry and when the part is actually produced, the lines won't show up at all. It will be a continuous smooth surface. They also shouldn't  affect any realistic rendering if you are going to be doing any of that.


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    viruviru Member, Developers Posts: 619 ✭✭✭✭
    @ross_lloyd, You can use replace face option. It will be helpful in your case.

    Replace Face

    replace a face in feature toolbar

    Trim a face or extend a face to a new surface. This Direct Editing tool is especially convenient if you don't have the parametric history of the part, as is often the case with an imported part.

    1. Click replace face icon.

    2. On the model, select the face you want to trim or extend.

      replace a face selections

    3. Select the surface to use for the replacement.

      Notice that a surface has been created in this example, to use to extend the face to. You can hide and unhide this part in the Parts list of the Feature list box:

      replace a face surface selection

    4. Optionally provide an offset distance, or flip the alignment.
    5. Click green checkmark.

      replace a face result

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    ross_lloydross_lloyd Member Posts: 5

    Thank you for your answer, but I do not want the face to move or change shape in any way, I just don't want those lines across it. To get the actual indentation of the button was, for me, very difficult and the only method I found to make the right shape always leaves lines. This means I cannot define a new surface with the shape i need to replace it with, because that surface itself will have the lines. I just need a way to get rid of the black lines across the middle of the butto without changing anything else.

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    robert_morrisrobert_morris OS Professional, Developers Posts: 167 PRO
    Answer ✓
    Is there a reason that you need the lines removed?

    I am asking because the lines don't really affect the geometry and when the part is actually produced, the lines won't show up at all. It will be a continuous smooth surface. They also shouldn't  affect any realistic rendering if you are going to be doing any of that.
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    @ross_lloyd why do you need to remove the lines? All they are doing is showing the edges between each face. If it is for visual purposes only you can click the view tools icon and select shaded without edges.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    alex_schmidt531alex_schmidt531 Member Posts: 1
    where is the view tools icon?
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Below the view cube 
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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