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Beginner question: How to edit single faces?

eszett78eszett78 Member Posts: 1
edited December 2016 in Community Support
Stupid question, but I’ve imported a STEP model, and I’m able to select single faces (as on the screenshot), but how can I colorize single faces?


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    Paul_J_PremakumarPaul_J_Premakumar Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 204
    Setting the color of an individual face is currently unsupported. We are aware of this limitation. 
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    viruviru Member, Developers Posts: 619 ✭✭✭✭
    @eszett78, Currently this facility is not available in Onshape. You can vote for this improvement request which is already raised by some other user. Please vote for this improvement request by visiting below link.
    Workaround:- You can copy the part to a new part studio and then edit it so it becomes a surface model. (Each of the fundamental solid-creating features is also capable of creating surfaces)
    Onshape does permit the colouring of individual surfaces. If there are only a few surfaces needing colouring, you could create a hybrid model, part solid and part surface. 
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