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Importing an image to a Parts Studio

dannyidannyi Member Posts: 43
I have tried no less then a dozen times to import an image from the internet to a sketch in Part Studio. Watched several videos and nothing is working. I click on "import" then my "download" window appears. I click on the image I want and click "open". The image goes to "notifications", there was 10 of these in there and not one would preview. I click on "insert image" in sketch edit and the drop down menu shows nothing, "no image files available". 
I'm starting to get frustrated with this, need help please.


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    cody_armstrongcody_armstrong Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers, csevp Posts: 213
    @daniel_iacoangeli What format is the image? Is the image in the same Document as the sketch you are putting it in?
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    dannyidannyi Member Posts: 43
    Not sure, it was an image I got off of google. I changed it to PDF thinking that would help. Really not sure what I'm doing, don't quite understand the process.
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    brucebartlettbrucebartlett Member, OS Professional, Mentor, User Group Leader Posts: 2,137 PRO
    I'd chose a jpg, gif, or png. Pretty sure pdf will not work.  

    I think you must be importing from the home page, hence the images are ending up in their own doc. From inside the document use the + icon bottom left and then import. Once the image is in a document tab (you should be able to click on the tab and view the image), it should display in the insert image dialogue. Note you can also browse to images in other onshape documents in this dialogue. 

    Engineer ı Product Designer ı Onshape Consulting Partner
    Twitter: @onshapetricks  & @babart1977   
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    dannyidannyi Member Posts: 43
    Ok, here's where I get turned around. I found an image of a tire I want to work off of through google search. I copied the image and put it in "my documents" on my mac. Started a Parts Studio, started a sketch, clicked on import at the lower left. A new window appears and I have choices from my computer (i.e. downloads, documents, apps etc.) I click on "documents" then select the tires image, click "open". Now the "notifications" window appears stating the import is in progress and eventually successful.  Now I use the import icon in the tool bar to "insert image" and a new window appears stating "no image files available". Now I do get a new tab with the tire image but find I can't seem to do anything with it. Would like to use the image to trace the lug pattern. I'm obviously missing something here but have no idea what that is.  
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    cody_armstrongcody_armstrong Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers, csevp Posts: 213
    @daniel_iacoangeli  The steps you list sound correct. My guess is the file you are importing is not one of the supported file formats.  As @brucebartlett mentioned make sure that the file you are importing is one of the supported formats like Bitmap, JPG, or PNG.
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    dannyidannyi Member Posts: 43
    Thank you, the answer to this question is probably very obvious but how do I make sure or find out if it's JPG, PNG?
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    PahlPahl Member Posts: 42 ✭✭
    Hi @daniel_iacoangeli right click on the image you want to save and then click on "Save Image As..." 
    You will then get a window that will let you pick the location and file type as shown in my attachment.
    Hope that helps.

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    cody_armstrongcody_armstrong Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers, csevp Posts: 213
    @daniel_iacoangeli  If you are using Windows you should be able to right-click the file in Windows Explorer and choose "Properties" and it will tell you info about the file.  
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    PahlPahl Member Posts: 42 ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Ok, here's where I get turned around. I found an image of a tire I want to work off of through google search. I copied the image and put it in "my documents" on my mac. Started a Parts Studio, started a sketch, clicked on import at the lower left. A new window appears and I have choices from my computer (i.e. downloads, documents, apps etc.) I click on "documents" then select the tires image, click "open". Now the "notifications" window appears stating the import is in progress and eventually successful.  Now I use the import icon in the tool bar to "insert image" and a new window appears stating "no image files available". Now I do get a new tab with the tire image but find I can't seem to do anything with it. Would like to use the image to trace the lug pattern. I'm obviously missing something here but have no idea what that is.  
    If you currently can't see the file extension of images you already download to your Mac you may find this helpful.
    Show or hide filename extensions
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    dannyidannyi Member Posts: 43
    Thank you everyone for the help, really appreciate this. I'll give it try later tonight and see how it goes.
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    dannyidannyi Member Posts: 43
    I got the image from a google search again and tried the "Save Image As" but the dropdown menu didn't give me a choice of formats just a choice of where I wanted it to go. So I thought I would try "Add Image to Photos". This worked. It was in my photo library as a .jpeg. The import was successful and the insert was added to my sketch. 

    Thanks again for the help.......
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    PahlPahl Member Posts: 42 ✭✭
    Glad you got it working.
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    mark_hoffman888mark_hoffman888 Member Posts: 2
    I have the same problem. I import a .jpg file using the + icon at the lower left. It imports the document and shows up at the bottom, next to the other drawings in the file. So how do I insert it into a Parts Studio file? I do not have an insert file icon on the top tool bar.
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    _anton_anton Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 317
    ^ You have to be editing a sketch to insert an image.
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