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Sweep remove on 3D surface - not working properly w/o "keep profile orientation"

jacob_sheffieldjacob_sheffield Member Posts: 11 EDU
I'm trying to create a ball joint slot that is swept along the line in 3D space. However, it does not work when I want the orientation to follow the curve. 
This is an example of a rectangular slot working fine. 

Now, when trying to do the same thing along a curve that is projected onto a surface, it only works if I check "Keep profile orientation"

Without keeping the orientation, it won't work for my needs. As seen if I "add" a new part, instead of remove. 

Please let me know what I'm doing wrong, of it is not possible to use this sweep function along 3D surfaces


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    jacob_sheffieldjacob_sheffield Member Posts: 11 EDU
    As another example, it works fine on 2D surfaces.

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    konstantin_shiriazdanovkonstantin_shiriazdanov Member Posts: 1,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sure it should be possible but the limitation is that sweep can't make self intersecting bodies, so you need to ensure curvature radius everywhere on the sweep path is bigger then sweep profile width. In your case you could reduce the circle diameter or enlarge path fillet radius
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    jacob_sheffieldjacob_sheffield Member Posts: 11 EDU
    Got it. Thank you!
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    lanalana Onshape Employees Posts: 703
    You probably need this diameter, but you can use a circle segment instead of full circle as a profile.
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