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Problem dxf curves with function loft

filou78450filou78450 Member Posts: 2

With Onshape, I often work with .dxf files. Once the dxf file is imported into Onshape, the problem I have is the following.

When the curves in the dxf file are made up of several points. I can’t use the « loft » function.

I am obliged to redraw the curve in Onshape with the « Spline » function. 

Is there a better method to remedy this problem or is it necessary to intervene upstream on the software that creates the dxf file?

Thank you in advance

Best Regards,



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    bruce_williamsbruce_williams Member, Developers Posts: 842 EDU

    Welcome to the forum.  I am sorry we did not get your answer sooner!

    It may help to use composite curves to combine the segments and then choose them from the Composite curve area.  

    see help Composite curve here
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