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Moving multiple items in a sketch from one point to another all at once and snap to destination poin

travis_grenelltravis_grenell Member Posts: 11
Assume I've drawn a box, bunch of lines and some circles. Then I realize I need all the circles on a different sketch, but in exactly the same position they are currently in.
I can copy a sketch and paste the items into a new sketch, but that moves their location. Why does it do that, that's not intuitive or helpful!

So now I need to move all the circles to align, but I can't move them all at once. I'm stuck having to move one at a time, meaning I have to redraw a bunch of alignment guides cause those won't move either!!!

Why can't I move all of the lines/circles/etc that I select all at once?!!! This drives me NUTS and is a very simple example. I'm used to 2d CAD world, so I often start drawing all features on the first sketch then realize I forgot that the feature needs to be at a different height so has to be moved to a different sketch. Not something I can easily retrain but something easy to fix IF there was the ability to move multiple items at once and snap to location when moving! Why doesn't this exist? Or does it exist I just don't know how?

Another option would be if I could select all the circles and then tell it to move them to Sketch5 and they would move to that sketch but remain in same xyz location. That would be the ideal solution IMO, though I do have need to move multiple items at once for other reasons so I'd prefer a solution that does that.


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Use the sketch transform tool. 
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 701 PRO
    travis_grenell ....snip..... then realize I forgot that the feature needs to be at a different height so has to be moved to a different sketch. ....snip...
    You don't need to have different height sketch planes to create different height extrusions. You can extrude items from within the same sketch to different heights, and also change their starting offset from within the extrude command. Its actually a common practice to do this, thus keeping the design intent inside one master sketch.
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