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opMoveCurveBoundary() with sketch curves?

Evan_ReeseEvan_Reese Member Posts: 2,070 PRO
I was especially excited to see the new Trim Curve feature because I'm working on a custom feature that might benefit from the new FS functionality. I dug into it a bit though and found that opMoveCurveBoundary() doesn't accept sketch entities. I can understand why the Trim Curve feature would be limited like this, but not the underlying opMoveCurveBoundary() function. Any chance this would get opened up? Otherwise it's back to my hackier solution. 
Evan Reese / Principal and Industrial Designer with Ovyl
Website: ovyl.io


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    I haven't dug into this yet, but you'd have to opExtractWires first I guess.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    Evan_ReeseEvan_Reese Member Posts: 2,070 PRO
    You're right, I already did a test where I made a composite curve from a sketch curve and it works. I'm hoping to keep my curves as sketch geometry though.
    Evan Reese / Principal and Industrial Designer with Ovyl
    Website: ovyl.io
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