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Maximize Browser Space and Appearance

chad_schmidtchad_schmidt Member Posts: 5
I'm trying to find information on the best way to maximize the browser space and appearance.  I have no problem running onshape in a browser but sometimes it feels like well, "it's running in a browser".  When working in traditional CAD platforms optimization of space and appearance is very noticeable.   The colors, icons, layout... are not very good in onshape and I didn't know if someone has tips/tricks for improving this.


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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    Not too sure what "space optimization" you are referring to... Do you have any examples? I know a lot of people would like to see a "dark" mode. I personally think some of the right click menus could use a bit more icons/visual cues but overall I find the Onshape interface pretty clean and uncluttered (compared to SolidWorks I find it a lot cleaner for example).

    For space you can use your browser scale to adapt to your display, you can also go into "full screen" mode (F11 key) and it becomes pretty much indistinguishable from a "desktop" application
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    chad_schmidtchad_schmidt Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the "F11 key" tip.  Didn't realize that was such a thing.  Everything looks grayscale to me in onshape.  There have been several times I've click on incorrect icons because the colors are all gray.

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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    Thanks for the "F11 key" tip.  Didn't realize that was such a thing.  Everything looks grayscale to me in onshape.  There have been several times I've click on incorrect icons because the colors are all gray.

    The Onshape interface is fairly "minimalist", although I think it has more to do with design choices than running a browser. They have been adding more icons, notably in the right click menus but I would agree the overall look is "simple" and the rendering of parts is quite "basic" (compared to what could be achieved).
    Here's a discussion on this topic: https://forum.onshape.com/discussion/11108/onshape-graphics

    I think it's just not a high priority at this point unfortunatly as they are still working hard at adding more "critical" features/functionality. 
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    adrian_vlzkzadrian_vlzkz Member Posts: 260 PRO
    Open Onshape in a standalone Window
    Go to Options (...) > More tools
    Create shortcut...

    Check "Open as window"

    And you get a Onshape "App"

    Adrian V. | Onshape Ambassador
    CAD Engineering Manager
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    tim_hesstim_hess Member Posts: 46 ✭✭
    I also like to use vertical tabs in my browser when I'm modeling. I usually end up with several documents open at the same time. This save a little bit of vertical space and allows me to show a little bit more of the document title for each tab. 
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    billy2billy2 Member, OS Professional, Mentor, Developers, User Group Leader Posts: 2,035 PRO
    edited July 2023

    osx running chrome:
    -control a  removes the top address bar & tabs
    -command -  reduces the text size cramming more onto the screen (80% sizing)

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    MichaelPascoeMichaelPascoe Member Posts: 1,746 PRO

    @tim_hess Nice tip with the vertical tabs. Didn't know about this. Trying it out now.

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    RyanWiebeRyanWiebe Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    This conversation made me think about The Browser Company’s new browser, Arc. Arc is a browser based on the Chromium engine and it brings a new twist on tab management while using the whole screen with the option of multiple split tabs. As only as an enthusiast of Onshape, I will never test it to the limit as I don’t log much time drawing but would love to hear about anyone that does give it a try! I have made it my primary browser. Currently only available on Mac and iPhone: Arc from The Browser Company

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