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Stainless Steel Braid

lukasz_piziaklukasz_piziak Member Posts: 9 PRO
Does anyone know how with Onshape Stainless steel Braid can be acheved? With Render Studio I can not find anything what may look as a braid.
On attached image braid was modeled (AutoCad) and rendered (3dsMax). Any ideas?


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    lukasz_piziaklukasz_piziak Member Posts: 9 PRO

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you very much for these 31 easy steps. I will definitely try this method and share my results with you. I agree that it may not give a 3D feeling like the real geometry, especially where you can see a cross-section.

    I was able to import curves into Onshape and create a 3D model of each braid wire. Unfortunately, the document is quite heavy, and any attempts to make further modifications like adding new parts or cutting the braid end have resulted in no success.

    I hope that Onshape will eventually provide an option to render curves with a thickness, similar to what is possible in 3DsMax.

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    lukasz_piziaklukasz_piziak Member Posts: 9 PRO
    Hi Paul,

    Many thanks for the steps above. 
    I have done step by step and unfortunately I'm unable to get the same result as presented (please see attached screenshot).

    Material you have created can be saved to the material library and shared with me? Also is there a posiiblity have have a screenshare session with you to go through the steps and correct errors on my side?

    Many thanks for your help.

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    Paul_ArdenPaul_Arden Member, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 184
    @lukasz_piziak since you have an open ticket related to this it would be best to ask through that process.

    One note, since writing this quite a few things have changed and you should now just be able to remove the UV projector assigned to your cylindrical surface part and the texture alignment should already then be correct.

    You would then just need to adjust the tiling in the Bitmap file to get the proportions right. Based on your image I'm guessing it was setting up the projector that didn't go quite right since this is the most complex part.
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    steve_shubinsteve_shubin Member Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 15


    When the original post above was made, I played with MODELING this.

    Evidently I didn’t correctly figure exactly how the braid was organized. I didn’t get right what set of wires were to duck under what

    I didn’t have time to redo it. So it has been left the way I originally did it

    Anyway, I thought I’d post this in case somebody wants to borrow some of the methods

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