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Is it possible to create an non horizontal/vertical (angled) ordinate dimension?

StephenGStephenG Member Posts: 367 ✭✭✭
From what I can determine there is no option to set the datum zero orientation to an angle other than vertical or horizontal.

I want to create ordinate dimension with respect to a edge where the edge/line defines the coordinate system for the ordinate dimension.

The following graphic is what I am after....
Is the above possible?


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    mahirmahir Member, Developers Posts: 1,296 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I never had a need for this, but no. It doesn't seem like this is possible. Even if you rotate the view, ordinate dimensions remain horizontal/vertical. Sounds like a good candidate for an improvement request.
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    geoff_phillipsgeoff_phillips Member Posts: 4
    Great idea. I would use this when doing diagrans of stairs.
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    daniel_pinto240daniel_pinto240 Member Posts: 6
    I really need this.
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    martin_kopplowmartin_kopplow Member Posts: 353 PRO
    I have used that in the past and am surprised it isn't available in OS. The old CAD simply accepted a local coordinate system (about equivalent to a mate connector) or a line at any angle as input. Useful.
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    Andrew_NethertonAndrew_Netherton Member Posts: 19 PRO
    I'm just discovering this isn't possible now, and have come here for answers.  Looks like I'll keep looking.  One would think this would be an easy improvement.
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    pmdpmd Member, Developers Posts: 63 PRO
    @Andrew_Netherton As a workaround you can add a Mate Connector onto the part and re-align the secondary axis to one of the edges. Then view-normal to the the Mate Connector (from right click menu) and create a named view. You can then insert that named view into a drawing which will show a rotated view so vertical and horizontal ordinate dimensions will align with the edge.
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