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Can't Create a Blank Document - Has a sketch on it when created!

julian_frostjulian_frost Member Posts: 13
I don't know what I did, but I somehow managed to store a sketch on the top pane of the default OnShape document! Now, whenever I create a document, even one I already created, that sketch appears and I can't get rid of it!

How do I restore the default document to contain just the origin, top, front and right planes, as it would normally?



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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,489 PRO
    It may be possible that this is some weird graphics caching problem, and restarting your browser could fix it. If not, report this to support.

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    julian_frostjulian_frost Member Posts: 13
    S1mon said:
    It may be possible that this is some weird graphics caching problem, and restarting your browser could fix it. If not, report this to support.

    Thanks... that's exactly what it was. I closed the browser tab, shut down the web browser and re-opened it and it was back to normal! Phew!

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    Evan_ReeseEvan_Reese Member Posts: 2,071 PRO
    Sometimes when graphical things like this happen it has to do with the cache. The following steps usually solve it:
    1. control + d to open a diagnostic panel (I'm on Mac, not sure on Windows).
    2. Click Clear local display cache
    3. shift + refresh - holding shift while refreshing the page does a hard refresh
    After that any odd graphics are usually fixed.

    Evan Reese / Principal and Industrial Designer with Ovyl
    Website: ovyl.io
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    julian_frostjulian_frost Member Posts: 13
    S1mon said:
    It may be possible that this is some weird graphics caching problem, and restarting your browser could fix it. If not, report this to support.

    Thanks... that's exactly what it was. I closed the browser tab, shut down the web browser and re-opened it and it was back to normal! Phew!

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