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Why is My Assembly Zooming Out as though I Pressed "F?"

Kyler_WalkerKyler_Walker Member Posts: 188 PRO
Hello.  During the last few days, I have noticed an annoying behavior in assemblies where sometimes the view zooms out and the assembly gets centered, as though I pressed the "F" key, after I zoom and then pan.  This seems to happen at random, always after zooming and panning using my mouse.  I have not noticed this behavior after just zooming or just panning.  Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to prevent it?  Thanks!


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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,477 PRO
    What OS, browser and mouse/trackpad are you using?
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    Kyler_WalkerKyler_Walker Member Posts: 188 PRO
    I am running Windows 10, using Chrome, and I have a Dell MS111-L wired optical mouse.
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    Kyler_WalkerKyler_Walker Member Posts: 188 PRO
    I just figured out that this behavior is caused by depressing the scroll wheel twice.  I don't know why this had never been an issue for me until this last week.  I guess I just need to be more careful with my panning.
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