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CAD News Sites?

S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,477 PRO
Does anyone have any recommendations for news sites or social media accounts to follow for useful news about the CAD industry? Ideally things which cover mechanical engineering, product design, and industrial design CAD and occasionally include Onshape.

There are a bunch of sites which I've been following for many years, but they tend to either die because they don't have enough revenue or they focus on stuff that brings in advertisers for things like workstations, graphics cards and 3D printers. I don't want to buy a PC (I prefer Macs) and I have almost no desire to have a 3D printer at home. 

Also as much as I do actually care about PDM and PLM, things which focus on that too much are only so exciting to read.


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    Evan_ReeseEvan_Reese Member Posts: 2,070 PRO
    is Solidsmack still active?
    Evan Reese / Principal and Industrial Designer with Ovyl
    Website: ovyl.io
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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,477 PRO
    edited October 2023
    is Solidsmack still active?
    Nope, not as a CAD news site. That was one of the many that's basically died.
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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 701 PRO

    The Innovator's Insiders podcast is pretty good. They have guests from industry, and discuss many different element of product design. Of course is put out by Onshape, so will have a focus on that. I think I watched most of the episodes and enjoyed them. If you scroll through the list, the title show the content, to find one you may be more interested in. It's also on Apple Podcast to listen to in the car.
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    wayne_sauderwayne_sauder Member, csevp Posts: 491 PRO
    That died too.  :'(
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    PeteYodisPeteYodis Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 524
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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,477 PRO
    Develop 3D was one of my most visited sites (and physical magazines at one point) but as I was alluding to, it’s filled with stuff about 3D printing and graphics cards.

    When was the last time they covered Onshape? I get that they might not want to report every 3 weeks when there’s a new release, but what about once a quarter, or even once a year?

    Have they ever covered Plasticity? How much have they covered Alias, Rhino, ICEM, Shapr3D, Gravity Sketch etc.? When was the last time they talked about modeling techniques?
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