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How to make a part thinner

ali_e280ali_e280 Member Posts: 10
I created this part by using the boolean subtraction operation.  This part, Lid, was the target and a different part was used as the tool.  The fitment is slightly too tight and I need to make the marked extrusion slightly thinner.  I don't know the best way to do this so I created two offset sketches and tried to use the extrude tool to shave the part.  The extrusion works, but 2 additional parts are created regardless of whether "Merge with all" is selected.

1. Is there an elegant way to slightly shave parts?
2. Why does the extrusion remove create 2 additional parts?

Best Answer


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    GWS50GWS50 Member Posts: 386 PRO
    Try the Move Face tool

    If you can share your document someone can take a look
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    ali_e280ali_e280 Member Posts: 10
    Thank you. I will have to play with the Move Face tool.  I don't think it was covered in the basic video tutorial.

    Do you know why the extrusion is creating multiple copies of the part?
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    GWS50GWS50 Member Posts: 386 PRO
    If you could share your document I could take a look
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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    edited March 22
    You are cutting right through the lid so it's creating disconnected parts. Not sure what you are trying to do / expected to happen with that cut...

    If you want that part to be narrower you should just edit sketch3 and make it narrower... Or just use the "move face" as @GWS50 suggested (or add a clearance to your boolean)

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    ali_e280ali_e280 Member Posts: 10
    You are cutting right through the lid so it's creating disconnected parts. Not sure what you are trying to do / expected to happen with that cut...

    If you want that part to be narrower you should just edit sketch3 and make it narrower... Or just use the "move face" as @GWS50 suggested (or add a clearance to your boolean)

    I had selected up to next as the extrusion limit so I expected the cut to stop when it reaches the perpendicular surface.  I think I know what I did wrong.  I should have selected up to face, not up to next.

    Editing sketch 3 wouldn't work because the Boolean operation would just adjust automatically.  You mentioned adding a clearance to the boolean, but how?  That would be the perfect way to make the target cut slightly larger/smaller than the tool.  I only see an Offset option in the Boolean tool.  Is there a way to add a clearance value to the Boolean tool?
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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    Answer ✓

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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 702 PRO
    edited March 23
    Are you 3D printing this? If so, it's usually a good idea to incorporate a lead-in angle for a lid to a bottom. Also, I'd personally get rid of the full tongue and groove, and make it a half-lap. Below is a design common in injection molded boxes.

    Here is the CAD if you want to copy the modeling technique:

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    ali_e280ali_e280 Member Posts: 10

    Thank you.  I think this is exactly what I was looking for.  Now I just have to play around with the faces to only offset the sides I want.

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