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How to specify 90° angle on the planes of cube?

alex_vestasalex_vestas Member Posts: 44
How to specify 90° angle on the plane of cube? (on the Right geometry plane) Its a cube, but I want to explicitly specify 90° angle, that angles must be strictly 90°.


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    robert_scott_jr_robert_scott_jr_ Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
    Alex, it's difficult to conceive your point from your description. I think your concern is whether or not the sides of the cube are 90 degrees to each other. Unless you specify otherwise, an extrude is 90 degrees to the sketch plane. In your document. the top, bottom, left & right sides of the cube are 90 degrees to the front and back sides. Whether the bottom, top, left & right sides are 90 degrees to each other would be determined by the sketch. - Scotty
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    alex_vestasalex_vestas Member Posts: 44
    just on a drawing for a milling.
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    alex_vestasalex_vestas Member Posts: 44
    No. I understand that the sides of the cube are, naturally, at an angle of 90 degrees to each other. Any drawing should be able to indicate any required dimension, even if this is implied by the structure itself (cube). I don't understand why I can't specify the dimension I want to specify (and where I want it)

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    alex_vestasalex_vestas Member Posts: 44
    Does can anybody post clear step-by-step instruction (NOT youtube videos!) how to get from Part Studio1 get Drawing1 with all planes and all dimensions ?
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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