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Drawings so slow they are unusable.

edited December 2020 in Product Feedback
This is not the first time I've brought this up but since I'm forced to sit here and do nothing while waiting for Onshape servers I'll bring it up again.  Drawing performance is beyond pathetic.  We've checked into all possible causes including our ISP but this is clearly a server issue.  While waiting for drawings to update there is no network traffic (all other traffic is very fast) so NOT a network issue.

It's clear you're using slow servers because they're cheap but if you keep doing that you're going to lose clients.  I know one little shop like ours is no concern but I bet there are a lot more of us who feel the same.

By the way, STILL waiting for a drawing to update...and it's not complex.


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    LKRENZLERLKRENZLER Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    Since I have MORE time to sit here, I'll comment further.  I bet most run of the mill server CPU's are around 2.5Ghz with very low single thread performance.  Onshape drawing code is probably single threaded.  So we're waiting for one lonely, rather slow CPU to do it's job.  I'm guessing two things need to happen.  One, properly multi-thread your drawing code.  Two, run on high performance servers with good CPU speeds that are not competing with Christmas shopping orders on Amazon or the likes.  Am I wrong?
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    lougallolougallo Member, Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 2,003
    @LKRENZLER Sorry you are seeing this performance but the issue is not the service and we have ways to look at the data, your connection and other variables and try to pinpoint what is happening. I see you have a ticket with our team and we will start investigating.
    Lou Gallo / PD/UX - Support - Community / Onshape, Inc.
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    dirk_van_der_vaartdirk_van_der_vaart Member Posts: 545 ✭✭✭
    What is your location and which server are you using?, eu-west ?
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    LKRENZLERLKRENZLER Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    We're in Calgary and using west servers.
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    LKRENZLERLKRENZLER Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    edited December 2020
    Sorry Lou, I just don't buy that.  This really does seem like an Onshape software/server issue that needs attention.  Just blaming our connection is not going to solve it.  Our connection is fine to everything else in the world.  Onshape is clearly waiting for server processing (ei. no network traffic) when trying to work on drawings.  Am I right guessing that drawing code is single thread?
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    PhilWPhilW Member Posts: 3 PRO
    @LKRENZLER @lougallo
    Have you found a fix regarding this issue? I'm currently experiencing the same thing. Load times for drawings are extremely slow. It's borderline unacceptable. Load times are fine for smaller assemblies, but even on medium-sized assemblies the load times shoot through the roof. I am using a high end Boxx machine, along with a 100+ Mbps connection, so I know for sure nothing is wrong on my end.
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    ilya_baranilya_baran Onshape Employees, Developers, HDM Posts: 1,185
    @Design1, sorry you're having performance troubles.  If you haven't already, please file a support ticket.  Slowness could be caused by a hundred different things (some with the connection, some with the service) and there is no way to determine what's going on from a forum post.  Chances are it's not the same issue as the original poster, even if the symptoms are similar.
    Ilya Baran \ VP, Architecture and FeatureScript \ Onshape Inc
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    Engineering_TeamEngineering_Team Member Posts: 2 PRO
    Did this ever get resolved in any way? We have been suffering from similar issues as of late and it is hindering project mocement.
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,480
    Did this ever get resolved in any way? We have been suffering from similar issues as of late and it is hindering project mocement.
    Please open a support ticket with more details and share the doc so we can investigate, thanks.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    Frank_BertucciFrank_Bertucci Member Posts: 10 PRO
    I feel like I'm starting to dread having a big drawing set to do. If it's just a couple drawings no issue, but as soon as I start working on about 5 or so and jumping back and forth it's a pretty sure bet I'm going to have issues. Crashes, page unresponsive, broken references, long load times etc. Larger assemblies really bog things down too, then add the release process....

    It is surprising given how fluid and robust the part and assembly studios are. I'm not going to pretend to understand the technical reasons behind this but as a user I do want this to at least be more stable if faster is not an option.
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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 720 PRO
    Recommend moving drawings to their own document (separate from the part/asm), or if within the same document, have them reference a version. If you are not already doing that, you should see good improvements in speed once you do.
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