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Creating Mate Connector in Assembly

gerald_friedmangerald_friedman OS Professional Posts: 50 ✭✭
In an assembly when one chooses to create a mate connector one of the options is "between entities".

What does this mean?????


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,475
    It is for creating a mate connector mid-way between two faces, edges, etc. The geometry you select must belong to the same part.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    gerald_friedmangerald_friedman OS Professional Posts: 50 ✭✭
    edited February 2016
    Ah, the geometry one selects must belong to the same part!

    Now I understand.

    It might be nice though to be able to select a point between two like features on two parts.

    For example, in the image attached, the snap ring grooves at either end of the pin in the image are adjacent to holes in two different parts. The pin is centered between the two parts.

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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,475
    I agree - do me a favour - please raise a support ticket to request that feature
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    malay_kumarmalay_kumar Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 93
    Mate connector using two parts will be difficult to support as part can move on solving mates resulting mate connector to move and needing to solve assembly mates again. This could result to endless solving of assembly mates. You could however create the mate connector using multiple parts in Part studio and that would be an acceptable solution in many cases.
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    gerald_friedmangerald_friedman OS Professional Posts: 50 ✭✭

    I understand the dilemma.

    Just have to offset half the distance from one side.


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    Josiah_HarthcockJosiah_Harthcock Member Posts: 55 PRO
    Did you make a support ticket for this, cause I'd love to 1+ it  :)
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    owen_sparksowen_sparks Member, Developers Posts: 2,660 PRO
    Business Systems and Configuration Controller
    HWM-Water Ltd
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