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Movement along mate connector until interference is encountered - solid parts

jon_smirljon_smirl Member Posts: 15 ✭✭✭✭
edited July 2016 in Community Support
Is there a way to allow movement along a mate connector until interference is encountered? The idea is to make an exploding 3D view of the object. The mate connectors allows you to pull the object apart. When you push the object back together you don't want the parts inside each other; I want to parts to behave as if they were solid. I can set up individual limits on the mates, but it would be way easier to just allow movement along the mate lines that stops when the parts collide.


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    brucebartlettbrucebartlett Member, OS Professional, Mentor, User Group Leader Posts: 2,137 PRO
    Engineer ı Product Designer ı Onshape Consulting Partner
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    colemancoleman OS Professional Posts: 244 ✭✭✭
    Surely onshape will add this functionality soon.  Fusion has it. 
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    jon_smirljon_smirl Member Posts: 15 ✭✭✭✭
    I tried the Explode app. It is very close to what I am looking for.

    First, when it exploded my assembly it put some parts inside my largest item. It didn't explode them externally. That just looks like a bug. It also exploded the rear pieces vertically instead of outwardly.

    Second, if it made mate connectors in the exploded diagram that would let me reassemble to the item it would be exactly what I am looking for. One button to animate it exploding out, another button to animate it coming back together. But it needs the support for not letting solid parts pass through each other.

    Link to project with the explode....

    Coolest would be if I could assemble the pieces and then turn the bayonet connectors to lock things together.
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    brucebartlettbrucebartlett Member, OS Professional, Mentor, User Group Leader Posts: 2,137 PRO
    When I tried the app it didn't quite do what I was looking for either but its a good start. Hopefully we eventually get something fully integrated. 

    I am really hoping we will see a configuration/variant option for assemblies soon so you can suppress mates and parts in different positions, that way you could have a locked down exploded position and assembled position and switch easily. 
    Engineer ı Product Designer ı Onshape Consulting Partner
    Twitter: @onshapetricks  & @babart1977   
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    billy2billy2 Member, OS Professional, Mentor, Developers, User Group Leader Posts: 2,036 PRO
    Have you noticed that in a section view, interferences highlight red. I thought this was cool.

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    brian_bradybrian_brady Member, Developers Posts: 505 EDU
    I just tried that app and will not use it again. It requires a setting change in my browser to always allow all cookies. I don't play that game. I have it set to allow cookies from sites I visit and that should be enough.
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