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Importing .DWG or .DXF

alex_lototzkyalex_lototzky Member Posts: 5
edited September 2016 in Community Support
Hi, I have been in the migration phase of onshape testing out the feature and learning how to sketch and model. I like it.
Now I have started to bridge the gap between the archives and onshape and ran into the first speedhump.
I used Autocad 2011 (and 2016) and find that files, both .dxf and .dwg are not importing in any usefull way.
I found some threads in the forum about this that are dated 2015, and can only assume that this is still not fixed!
This is a rather major hole for me (and I imagine many others)

One of my major production partners also uses Autocad. I am yet to test an onshape exported file on them.

I have to say my confidence is shaken.
Is there a work around or is there feverish activity to plug this feature hole in onshape?


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    both .dxf and .dwg are not importing in any useful way.

    Hi Alex, can you be a bit more specific? If you import a DXF or DWG it will create a drawing. If you want to build a 3D model of it, create a sketch and use the Import DWG/DXF button in sketch.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    alex_lototzkyalex_lototzky Member Posts: 5
    Oh I feel like a fool. I have just watched the import DWG and DXF vids on Onshape on Youtube and its all clear now.
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