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Sheet Metal

Hi Everyone. I am new to Onshape. We are a small startup and am currently evaluating/considering Onshape as our primary CAD solution. Our designers come from a SolidWorks environment and it seems that to transition to Onshape will not be too difficult. In the line of work we do, sheetmetal design makes up about 50% of our workload. 
It seems that sheetmetal features is currently missing from Onshape. From some forums I understand that OS is working tirelessly to implement such features. Can anyone give me an update as to an expected roll-out date for this?
Having sheetmetal features similar or better than SolidWorks is a crucial point in our evaluation process. If it is not present, we cannot even consider Onshape.
I really hope that I have not overlooked or misunderstood something.
Kind Regards

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    justin_hough563justin_hough563 Member Posts: 5 PRO
    Any updated information/progress on a sheet metal tool for OnShape?
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    ilya_baranilya_baran Onshape Employees, Developers, HDM Posts: 1,185
    Lots of progress.  Coming real soon now -- just a little more patience.
    Ilya Baran \ VP, Architecture and FeatureScript \ Onshape Inc
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    owen_sparksowen_sparks Member, Developers Posts: 2,660 PRO
    Lots of progress.  Coming real soon now -- just a little more patience.
    You know I think I heard @cody_armstrong actually LOL when asked in this week's webinar if customers were expected to write their own sheet metal tools in FS. :)

    I have confidence that you guys have great things under development and can't wait t see what you've come up with. B)

    Happy coding.

    Owen S.
    Business Systems and Configuration Controller
    HWM-Water Ltd
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