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Adding of midpoint lines to sketch tools

This is something I actually pushed for and it got added to SW2015 which made me quite happy. I like to use symmetry a lot, and would find it very helpful to have a mid point line option. Essentially start at a sketch point and the line will be drawn out for the start point symmetrically. (think center-point slot in SW without the third click). I also really like the center-point rectangle they implemented with the orthogonal construction geometry.

I would love to see these implemented to the sketch tools, and imagine it shouldn't be a massive endeavor to do that?

Also is this the section to mention these enhancements, or should this be in the using onshape forum?


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    paul_chastellpaul_chastell Onshape Employees Posts: 124
    We do have a center point rectangle, it's in the drop down (see second picture below). Mid-point line: let me check I understand.
    1. Start with a point
    2. Start mid-point line
    3. Draw in any direction and end result is a line with a mid-point constraint to the point

    As in this picture?

    Paul Chastell
    TVP, Onshape R&D
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    BrandonshapeBrandonshape Member Posts: 7
    I think you are on the right page about the line, although I think you could delete step one from your list above. Essentially start by clicking where you want your line to start, and draw out to one side with both ends extending symmetric, and yes the line would be constrained at the midpoint.

    I saw the rectangle, and what you guys have would probably work, but I meant it would also come with orthogonal construction lines for easier adding of relations. The one that's in the new SW I find quite useful because it just makes it easier to create relations and symmetry. See pic.
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    paul_chastellpaul_chastell Onshape Employees Posts: 124
    Ok, gotcha, so it's making a line AND a point at the middle. Thanks for clarifying.
    Paul Chastell
    TVP, Onshape R&D
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    billy2billy2 Member, OS Professional, Mentor, Developers, User Group Leader Posts: 2,035 PRO
    Please be careful adding points to a sketch. In SW many sketch entities became useless if they were used in the hole wizard due to the addition of sketch entities with points. Never understood why this conflict existed.

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    BrandonshapeBrandonshape Member Posts: 7
    Yup, you got it Paul.
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    CristalejaCristaleja Member Posts: 9
    Could somebody please explain to me WHERE is the Mid-point line he is talking about in this Post. I have been using OnShape for a couple of months and still don't know how to draw a Mid Point Line, the same way you draw a Center Point Rectangle.
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    viruviru Member, Developers Posts: 619 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2016
    @Cristaleja, Currently in Onshape midpoint line option is not available as same way we draw center point rectangle.You can use alternate method to create mid point line by below method.
    Step 1:- Draw a line
    Step 2:- Place point exactly midline by draging (Automatically midpoint option will appear for constraining)
    Please refer below video for more detail.

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