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external refs missing, but not showing me where this is happening.

RyanAveryRyanAvery Member Posts: 93 EDU


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    RyanAveryRyanAvery Member Posts: 93 EDU
    Shouldn't the missing external ref be highlighted in red? 
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    romeograhamromeograham Member, csevp Posts: 664 PRO
    Zoom out and check near the Origin. I have seen this often: when you have "use edge" external references, and then later delete or lose them, there is sometimes a hanging reference to something near the origin.
    See if that helps.
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Make it public and share please
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    john_mcclaryjohn_mcclary Member, Developers Posts: 3,922 PRO
    edited April 2020
    that's weird, he has "show constraints" checked but there are no constraints showing at all. Yet the lines are fully defined.
    You can see the leader lines slightly where they would be showing the constraint icon. 
    The background color looks a little beige.
    Do you have a custom CSS running?
    Did you accidentally replace the icon reference for the constraints when injecting your CSS? Is that even possible?
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Is the image the actual colour you are seeing? The message at the top should be in cyan, so maybe the red over-constraints are shown in the wrong colour?
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    RyanAveryRyanAvery Member Posts: 93 EDU
    edited April 2020
    I am using a browser plugin that makes things darker, however this, I think, was not the problem. When I changed one of my variables, the sketch then showed where the problems were, as you can see here. 

    You can tell that I can still see errors even though I'm using a dark mode for my browser, so the original post does show what I think may have been an error (i.e. erroneously not showing errors). Oh well, not a huge deal. 
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    RyanAveryRyanAvery Member Posts: 93 EDU
    I don't understand why, when I make my sketches parametric, changing a parameter makes them generate correctly (in the correct spots) but show up in red. Maybe I am using part edges when I need to reference sketch edges, or something. 
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    john_mcclaryjohn_mcclary Member, Developers Posts: 3,922 PRO
    edited April 2020
    The constraints that have broken are made from "Use"
    They likely broke if the parent sketch or object gets a new internal ID for those edges.

    If you are seeing Red constraints and the geometry is correct. These may just be extras that are over defining. They may not be needed at all.
    Try deleting them and see if anything turns blue.

    If the lines turn blue add new coincident constraints to the new geometry.
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    RyanAveryRyanAvery Member Posts: 93 EDU
    I do use "Use" a lot. All the time, actually. 
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    john_mcclaryjohn_mcclary Member, Developers Posts: 3,922 PRO
    edited April 2020
    Use is a nice cheater tool. But it has the downside of adding a lot more external references than a traditional sketch.

    By external I mean anything referenced outside of the current sketch.

    So a normal rectangle face, if you Use that face you get 4 lines with 8 external constraints. Which means 8 places that could break if earlier geometry changes.
    Draw a rectangle locally and constrain the two corner points to the existing geometry. This way you only need to worry about the 2 corners breaking your sketch. 

    I'm just saying try not to make that a habit for simple shapes. Save it for the complex stuff that would take longer to draw from scratch that it would be to fix a mess of USE constraints for the hand full of times you may change the previous geometry.

    For example the profile of an extruded aluminum bar, or the walls of a maze (top view). It would normally be worth it to delete and re-use the faces then fix the couple of broken features down the tree than to fully re-sketch everything in these cases. But a simple square and circle you could sketch is basically the same time as selecting your USE edges.
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