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Google Chrome WebGL Problem

Tobes49Tobes49 Member Posts: 3
edited November 2016 in Community Support

Over the weekend my computer was reporting - 
It looks like your browser doesn't have WebGL enabled.

I tried my laptop and this all works perfectly

On the non working computer, I tried reinstalling chrome and the Graphic drivers - this didn't cure the problem

http://webglreport.com/ - reports:

: This browser supports WebGL 1, but it is disabled or unavailable

Ive done some searching the testing - checked the flags in google and they all look correct

Chrome://gpu Click here for report  States Webgl is hardware accelerated but has lots off memory errors at the bottom

Now Ive tried 5 computers now and 3 are fine and 2 don't work (They all did work before)

The 2 that have packed up had the Nvidia 342 update before this happened. (Not sure if this is the problem or not)

I have uninstalled all the graphic drivers and this still has not cured the problem

Can anyone help with this please?



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    viruviru Member, Developers Posts: 619 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2016
    @Tobes49,  What you do is to right-click the Chrome shortcut (could be in the start menu or on the desktop), and go to properties. Then you add the quoted command flag after the ending double quote sign (i.e you tag it at the end of whatever is there) in the target box, like so:

    Please remember that the fix is then only applied to this specific shortcut. If you have multiple shortcuts to Chrome (for instance both in the start menu and the desktop), it will only work for those you have edited. Give special thanks to øyvind_kaurstad because this solution provided by him.

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    Tobes49Tobes49 Member Posts: 3
    viru said:
    @Tobes49,  What you do is to right-click the Chrome shortcut (could be in the start menu or on the desktop), and go to properties. Then you add the quoted command flag after the ending double quote sign (i.e you tag it at the end of whatever is there) in the target box, like so:

    Please remember that the fix is then only applied to this specific shortcut. If you have multiple shortcuts to Chrome (for instance both in the start menu and the desktop), it will only work for those you have edited. Give special thanks to øyvind_kaurstad because this solution provided by him.

    I've just tried this and this doesn't fix the problem. Just to double check I created a new shortcut on the desktop and edited this one.

    Thanks for the info
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    Paul_J_PremakumarPaul_J_Premakumar Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 204
    Hi Tobes49,

     - What version of Chrome and Operating system are you using?
     - Are the versions of Chrome the same on the computers which are working and the ones which are not working?
     - Can you paste the errors you are seeing? 

    There has been a recent bug in Chromium and here is the Chromium bug report : https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=656989 . You may want to check if this is the same as what you are experiencing.

    While we figure out the issue, please consider using another supported browser such as Firefox or Safari.
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    Tobes49Tobes49 Member Posts: 3
    Hi Paul

    Ive been doing some more testing and think it is the Chromium bug,  (It has only effected my computers with Nvidia graphic cards for some reason?)

    PC is Core 2 Q8400 with windows 10, Chrome is 54.0.2840.99 m, Nvidia GeForce 8400GS 
    Chrome were different versions - all started to happen when the Nvidia updated to version 342.00
    Error just appears at the top off the "loading workspace" page with "
    It looks like your browser doesn't have WebGL enabled"

    I have downloaded the 
    chrome canary edition with this installed everything works again.

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    lougallolougallo Member, Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 2,002
    @Tobes49 it is indeed a chrome bug where some cards are being blacklisted.  You can also type in 
    Then enable "Override software rendering list".. The nice part about Chrome Canary is it can be installed side by side with another chrome channel (stable/beta/dev)
    Lou Gallo / PD/UX - Support - Community / Onshape, Inc.
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