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Is it possible to capture an image of my model with transperant background?

assaf_weissassaf_weiss Member Posts: 2
edited April 2017 in Community Support
Transperant background makes it much more easier to prepare presentations, and I havent seen if there is such an option.
I can try and remove the background with another software but its alot of hassle.



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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Sorry, no, but with the solid white background it is a simple matter to flood fill the area with any image editing software.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    assaf_weissassaf_weiss Member Posts: 2
    NeilCooke said:
    Sorry, no, but with the solid white background it is a simple matter to flood fill the area with any image editing software.
    Thats what Im doing right now, but it is time consuming when creating a presentation with a large amount of images.
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    Paul_J_PremakumarPaul_J_Premakumar Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 204
    This suggestion is far from ideal, but could work in some cases. The thumbnail images we generate for parts, documents and elements,  have a transparent backgrounds. You could simply right click on the image and copy it.

    Please create an improvement request for this feature. Thank you.
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    john_mcclaryjohn_mcclary Member, Developers Posts: 3,922 PRO
    edited April 2017
    that and with a screenshot pasted into a image editor, you still won't get a crisp edge.

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