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Timing Out

_Ðave__Ðave_ Member, Developers Posts: 712 ✭✭✭✭
 The constant timing out was a slightly more than minor annoyance until I attempted to download a fairly large step file assembly. During the download it timed out and upon refreshing the download didn't continue. To say the least the slightly more than minor annoyance is becoming considerably more than minor. I hate to burden you guys with trivial issues as this originally appeared to be but could you look into decreasing the rather frequent timing out.

 Yes, I do have a relatively slow connection.




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    3dcad3dcad Member, OS Professional, Mentor Posts: 2,470 PRO
    @lougallo @jakeramsley

    Is it possible to add a trigger not to timeout while downloading / translating stuff.
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    john_rousseaujohn_rousseau Member, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 368
    Hi Dave. When did you download the step assembly? I'm not finding it in our sever logs. We should have a very long timeout on the server side if bytes are flowing at all. Your browser may be timing out instead. Can you try the download again and record when you started it?

    Please open a ticket on this and we will work through this.

    John Rousseau / VP, Technical Operations / Onshape Inc.
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    _Ðave__Ðave_ Member, Developers Posts: 712 ✭✭✭✭
    @john_rousseau 12:08AM is when I wrote the post and the issue happened about 15 min prior to writing the post.

    I'll attempt a download right now at 8:25PM
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    _Ðave__Ðave_ Member, Developers Posts: 712 ✭✭✭✭
    @john_rousseau It now 9:03PM and 93,000kb step file completed downloading successfully.
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    john_rousseaujohn_rousseau Member, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 368
    @da_vicki: Please open a ticket if/when you see the timeout again and we'll take a look.
    John Rousseau / VP, Technical Operations / Onshape Inc.
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    _Ðave__Ðave_ Member, Developers Posts: 712 ✭✭✭✭

     Will do, Thanks
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