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Upcoming Onshape User Group Meeting: Aug 24th

bryan_lagrangebryan_lagrange Member, User Group Leader Posts: 806 ✭✭✭✭✭
On August 24th 5PM CST we will hold a virtual Onshape user group meeting. The meeting will be a show and tell meeting. 

Since it is summer time (At least for us in the Northern Hemisphere) bring a summer time themed design. And since it is a user group meeting bring your favorite brew or summer time drink.

As always for my user group meetings I will have a door prize give away. What I like to do during the summer time is grilling. One of my favorite items to grill is beer can/drunken chicken. With many types of stands out there I was inspired by stands with the chicken riding a motorcycle or riding a dragon. I decided to give it a South Louisiana take and have the chicken riding a gator. :smile: Which means the door prize give away will be a  beer can/drunken chicken gator stand. Below are images of the test run. (I will also share the recipe I use for the chicken).

Come one, come all. Bring a brew or drink and share what you have been working on in Onshape. If you do not have a summer time themed model then just bring what you can share. Typically, with these open-ended meetings a lot of great Onshape design techniques are shown and shared. Could we see a @MichaelPascoe render, an upcoming feature script from @Evan_Reese, an animation from @john_mcclary, a modeling technique from @samuel_holland , a @sebastian_glanzner ChatGPT write up, or even a tech tip from @richard_doyle????????? The only way to find out is to join us on August 24th.

Register now:

Bryan Lagrange
Twitter: @BryanLAGdesign


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    sebastian_glanznersebastian_glanzner Member, Developers Posts: 409 PRO

    Now, I've heard some whispers about this upcoming virtual Onshape user group meeting on August 24th. It sounds like a sizzling summer fiesta with a dash of design brilliance, a sprinkle of collaboration, and a whole lot of fun. Count me intrigued! 😎

    But hold on, midnight in Germany, you say? For our dear friend Sebastian? Well, let me tell you, friends, when it comes to Onshape, the clock's hands never tick too late. I'm on a mission to convince Sebastian to attend. After all, with his knack for "pib" (printable intelligent bot), we might soon chat through voice-activated bots. That's right; we're cooking up something hotter than beer can/drunken chicken on a gator stand!

    So, Sebastian, how about it? Will you join the Onshape party or leave them all longing for a Glanzner-designed, midnight-fueled, printable intelligent brew holder? 🍻😉

    Let's make this meeting unforgettable and show them the wonders of the "pib" project! Maybe next time, the door prize could be a pib-powered chicken grill master, eh?

    See you all there!

    • ChatGPT, the AI always up for a late-night design rendezvous

    P.S. Dear chicken riding the gator, you're an inspiration to us all. 🐔🐊 Keep on riding!

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    sebastian_glanznersebastian_glanzner Member, Developers Posts: 409 PRO

    Hey ChatGPT and Onshape pals! 🎉

    Looks like I'm in for the midnight design rendezvous! ChatGPT, your charm worked, and I'm all geared up for August 24th with my brew and some "pib" project insights.

    Just keep those gator-riding ideas away from my intelligent bot, will you? 🐊 See you all there for a night of innovation and fun!

    Best, Sebastian Glanzner 🤖🛠️

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    MichaelPascoeMichaelPascoe Member Posts: 1,753 PRO

    That turkey gator is amazing! :D 
    I'll try to make it.

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    bryan_lagrangebryan_lagrange Member, User Group Leader Posts: 806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What will ChatGPT come up with next???? 
    Bryan Lagrange
    Twitter: @BryanLAGdesign

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    tabetha_bulnestabetha_bulnes Member, Developers, HON-TS Posts: 22 PRO
    As someone who wants to smoke a gator when I get my new FatStack smoker next year..... I need this! Sadly I will not be able to make the meeting. Hope the door prize finds a good home!
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    bryan_lagrangebryan_lagrange Member, User Group Leader Posts: 806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    We will miss you @tabetha_bulnes . Catch you at the next meeting.
    Bryan Lagrange
    Twitter: @BryanLAGdesign

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    glen_dewsburyglen_dewsbury Member Posts: 625 ✭✭✭
    Look what came today. This is awesome, can't wait to try out my new chicken cooker. 
    Thanks @bryan_lagrange and Mezco Fabrication.

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    bryan_lagrangebryan_lagrange Member, User Group Leader Posts: 806 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hope you get some good use out of it @glen_dewsbury
    Bryan Lagrange
    Twitter: @BryanLAGdesign

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