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Color picker request

michael3424michael3424 Member Posts: 683 ✭✭✭✭
It would be nice to have a matrix with a few selections for colors that could be applied when setting Appearance on parts and even better if they could be customized.  If nothing else, maybe the values of the "#" fields for the 8 standard part color definitions could be added to the help file.  In the meantime I've resorted to a paper cheat sheet with those values.



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    billy2billy2 Member, OS Professional, Mentor, Developers, User Group Leader Posts: 2,035 PRO
    edited May 2015
    I agree, it'd be nice to define your own palette.

    I'm a tough guy and usually won't discuss pretty colors, but after staring at a project all day it does matter. I tend to like to make the parts look real so I use a lot gray shades.  I really liked spaceclaim's pastel palette. 

    I tend to copy the color for a body into my clipboard, then selecting everything to change and pasting in my color from clipboard.

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    lougallolougallo Member, Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 2,002
    We have this logged.
    Lou Gallo / PD/UX - Support - Community / Onshape, Inc.
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    michael3424michael3424 Member Posts: 683 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Lou - Mike
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    andrew_troupandrew_troup Member, Mentor Posts: 1,584 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    3dexter3dexter Member Posts: 89 ✭✭✭
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    c_a_moorec_a_moore Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
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    brucebartlettbrucebartlett Member, OS Professional, Mentor, User Group Leader Posts: 2,137 PRO
    I've taken to using the color wheel in the pixlr.com/editor/. and coping and pasting the # Hex Color Code from here. I  also use this to load a picture and get the colors to transfer to my models.

    My big request though are to be able to change color's from assemblies without having to switch to the part studio. 
    Override a complete assy with a color to resemble the finished painted color.
    And to be able to able to apply color to individual face's.

    Engineer ı Product Designer ı Onshape Consulting Partner
    Twitter: @onshapetricks  & @babart1977   
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    3dcad3dcad Member, OS Professional, Mentor Posts: 2,470 PRO
    I have requested assembly color too, it is common in real world that same part is painted in different color for different assemblies. And it is also common that one face of part is painted in different color than other.

    It would be also nice if white would look more like white as now it's mostly grey.
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    lougallolougallo Member, Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 2,002
    We are listening....  All good stuff..
    Lou Gallo / PD/UX - Support - Community / Onshape, Inc.
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    3dcad3dcad Member, OS Professional, Mentor Posts: 2,470 PRO
    Sometimes we have same parts in different material too, like plastic screws or acryl window - not too many examples in my work though.
    What do others think, should assembly be able to override material set in part studio?
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    michael3424michael3424 Member Posts: 683 ✭✭✭✭
    I'd rather that the color of the part in the Part Studio define the color in assemblies, but have no objection to making part color changeable in assemblies.
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    brucebartlettbrucebartlett Member, OS Professional, Mentor, User Group Leader Posts: 2,137 PRO
    edited August 2016
    Great to hear the your listening @lou_gallo123

    I am currently working on an imported model plus extra modeled bits to get some quick renders but has been so time consuming getting the colour's right. I have ended up with a 1000 part's across 4 part studio's and it's almost impossible to find parts to change color's within the imported studio's so have been switching from assembly to part studio 1 by 1 to find parts and then set color.  Not fun at all.

    I can see an assembly override of color would be handy but at the moment I'd just like to be able to change part color or a group select of parts from the assembly without the switching to part studio. Don't care if it changes color at the studio level, maybe it is better if the studio stay's it original colors.
    Engineer ı Product Designer ı Onshape Consulting Partner
    Twitter: @onshapetricks  & @babart1977   
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    chrisjh777chrisjh777 Member Posts: 207 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm waiting for the day when I can assign a  material to a part and have the colour I assigned to that material come through automatically.  Just like Solidworks.
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    SquidLordSquidLord Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    3dcad said:
    Sometimes we have same parts in different material too, like plastic screws or acryl window - not too many examples in my work though.
    What do others think, should assembly be able to override material set in part studio?
    My personal feeling is that if you have multiple designs which are intended to be included in the same assembly in multiple materials, those are multiple, different, parts.

    I say that because if I were ordering those parts (and this connects to all those people who would love a Bill of Materials built-in to OS), they would all have different part numbers. They would literally be different parts. Which makes perfect sense to me.

    At least it's not really hard to duplicate a part design and merely change the material. Deriving a part and setting the material is pretty trivial, and the new ability to organize part tabs is going to mean that you can put all the same design/different materials parts in the same overall folder in the document.
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