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How to make part name match solidworks part file name while importing

VaishVaish Member Posts: 15 PRO
Hi all.
So I am importing my solidworks parts into onshape, However I would like the name of the parts to match the name of solidworks part file. Rather, only the part studio is getting the name but the part is named a random name, Part1. Is there a way to this, rather than go and rename every part in every part studio? I want to be able to reuse my parts in assemblies and with the current setup, on the left, I can only see Part1 for any file I import.

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    john_mcclaryjohn_mcclary Member, Developers Posts: 3,922 PRO
    edited September 2018
    If you import the .sldprt file it will do like you are saying, naming every part as part1 part2 etc.

    if you import the project as a packandgo to zip. Then it will name each part by file name, this works for virtual parts as well.

    If you import a step file it will maintain it's file name also

    @lougallo is this a bug with the solidworks part importer?
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    billy2billy2 Member, OS Professional, Mentor, Developers, User Group Leader Posts: 2,035 PRO
    edited September 2018
    I setup a simple assembly in SW with:virtual parts, multi-bodies parts & base parts. I threw everything at it.

    Looked at pack'n go zip, step & parasolids exports. All these created the same thing inside OS. 

    All parts from the multi-body parts came in as the file name and not the body name. Didn't matter how it was transferred.

    I found no way to get the body names to transfer from SW to OS. oh well....

    So I didn't stop there, I fixed the names in OS and sent them back to SW through a parasolids file. They imported as 'imported', no names appeared.

    So I didn't stop there, I read the parasolids back into SW that it created to see what it would do if I made it eat it's own garbage. The names didn't come in and were replaced with "imported".

    So...... I didn't stop there, I took the cleaned up file created in OS, exported, then read it back in. All the names were there.

    This is by all means not scientific in anyway, but I doubt we'll ever get body names out of SW. From what I can tell, OS is working properly and will use body names if they are present through an export.

    Dang! body names would be nice.

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    VaishVaish Member Posts: 15 PRO
    I get it that we can import assemblies in a zip file, but what if I wanted to import the shared components we use among different parts into a separate folder? For this I would have to import Solidworks part files, which goes back to my question, if I want to import just parts(NOT assemblies) into a document, with the part studio having only one part, the name of part being the file name, is this possible in Onshape??
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    @Vaish - yes, create a document, then choose import from the + menu and select all your SLDPRT files. A part studio will be created for each file with the same name (but the part will likely be called Part1).

    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    VaishVaish Member Posts: 15 PRO
    Thanks for answering. But I guess the answer to my question is it's not possible for parts to be named to match the solidworks part file in Onshape??
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